Latest Episodes

KH Ch. 13: It’ll Be Our Secret
I slid as quickly and quietly as I could, and I caught up with Lu around the first bend. I tried to slow myself...

KH Ch. 12: Hi Honey, I’m Home!
Chicken that I am, I felt safer with the four of us together even if I was the only adult and my companions were...

KH Ch. 11: Fright at the End of the Tunnel
I hurried to the end of the nothing, the end of my tunnel and screamed as loud as I could, “Li Lu!” as if...

KH Exclusive! The paparazzi catches up with Lu!
The Kite Hill publicity team managed to get Lu on the line for an interview! In this episode of The Secret of Kite Hill...

KH Ch. 10: Last In, First Out?
“This has got to be the most irresponsible thing I’ve ever done,” I said out loud, although under my breath. I’m not really one...

KH Ch. 9: Li Goes Deep: A Maze, Spiders, and Pepper
It got darker, but I could still see the outlines of the cave. Right away the single tunnel turned into a maze of more...